Welcome to Sundae Baubles
Like a cherry crowning a sundae, the right piece of jewelry can elevate your mood, accessorize your outfit, and make a statement without uttering a sound.
This shop developed from an insatiable appetite for jewelry. Over the years I have researched, collected and studied innumerable pieces; my appreciation and collection has grown, and the time has come to share these treasures.
At Sundae Baubles you will find pieces for every occasion, taste and budget.
From antique treasures sentimentally gifted to the wearer centuries ago, to the vintage creations that marked a generation, every piece has meaning and beauty.
New collectors will find budget-friendly pieces to launch their journey of discovery. Jewelry aficionados may find the rare piece they have long coveted. All can appreciate the beauty of natural stones, and our bespoke collection offers the perfect accents to sprinkle into one's jewelry wardrobe.
We look forward to sharing our journey with you - you can expect regular blog posts and 'new' items listed weekly.